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Generate Your Terms of Service.

We create customized Terms of Service for web, Android & iOS app, Facebook app, Twitter developer account, Squarespace, Blogger, WordPress, Shopify and more.

Generate Terms of Service

With Termify you can easily generate and download your customized and up to date Terms of Service

Generate Terms of Service for websites

Creating a Terms of Service for your application or website can take a lot of time. You could either spend tons of money on hiring a lawyer, or you could simply use our service and get a unique Terms of Service fully customized to your website.

Generate Terms of Service for e-commerce stores

If your website or app has the option to receive payments then including a Terms of Service is required by law. We will make sure that your Terms of Service ensures that you stay in line with your legal obligations.

Generate Terms of Service for mobile & desktop apps

For any app you are developing you will need a Terms of Service to launch it. Termify can help you generate the best for the case and get your app ready for review.

Generate Terms of Service for Facebook pages & apps

Many platforms like facebook are requiring users that are submitting their official apps to submit a Terms of Service even if you are not collecting any data from your users. Generate your Terms of Service and get your unique link to submit to those platforms.

Generate Terms of Service for third party services

Some third party services require you to have a Terms of Service The use of ads, analytics or third party payments usually ask you for a Terms of Service. Google Ads might be the one asking for your Terms of Service, or Amazon, and many more

Download your Terms of Service

If you want to host your customized Terms of Service on your site, you can just download the Terms of Service and give them the use you want.

We will create your customized Terms of Service in a variety of formats: PDF, DOCX, TXT & HTML files.


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